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Title: Angel Readings/Runes | |
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Date Posted:09/16/2010 6:54 PMCopy HTML Hello Friends & Members As an added benefit, I will be providing readings on the board. It is your choice of whether you would like an Angelic Card Reading or a Rune Reading. When requesting a reading, please indicate your preference at that time. Thank you. ** Many Blessings ** |
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Re:Angel Readings/Runes Date Posted:02/08/2011 3:36 AMCopy HTML OK "Sky", if the spirit moves you I would like a Rune reading. If you need a topic to focus on make it my job prospects down here, as I keep looking and nothing is turning up. Otherwise just a general, whatever you may get.
Thanks in advance Peace & Love, Gypsy |
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Re:Angel Readings/Runes Date Posted:02/09/2011 8:32 AMCopy HTML Hello Gypsy. It would be my pleasure to do a Rune Reading for you. I have chosen to do a four card Rune Reading which is quite comprehensive. I sensed that it was necessary at this time. URUZ - Pronounced "ooo-rooze" It advises that you should prepare for an opportunity disguised as loss. This could mean the loss of something of which you have an intense emotional bond with, and through which you are living a part of your life, a part that must now be retrieved so you can live it out for yourself. In some way, that bond is being severed, perhaps a relationship radically changed, a certain way of life that you have become accustomed to is coming to an end. It speaks of seeking among the ashes and discover a new perspective and new strength. The ancient symbol of Uruz is the wild ox. When the wild ox is domesticated, an immensely difficult task, it could transport heavy loads. Learn to adapt yourself to the demands of such a creative time. Gypsy, Unuz is a fantastic rune that puts you on notice that your soul and the universe support the new growth. Try to believe and accept that everything is working together in coordination for a greater good on your behalf and will eventually unfold with time.
JERA - Pronounced "year-ah" Crop farmers would be one of the best examples of what Jera is bringing in as far as guidance, because many farmers know crops are not impulsive or an overnight success. Usually a period of time must pass before one can count the blessings and success of the harvest. The meditation here is very simple. Persistence and foresight must be used to see what is to come from a venture or new beginning. Most good things do not come from a short period of time like a season. This rune represents that the results of earlier efforts will be realized. A time of peace and happiness, and a fruitful season. It can break through stagnancy. Hopes and expectations of peace and prosperity. The promise of success earned. Life cycle, the pattern of the universe. Everything changes, in its own time. Success in endeavors, fruition of plans. Good spirits. Just rewards for past efforts. Inventiveness, talent or skill. Great reward to those who work with their hands or on the land. This is a time of reaping rewards from seeds sown in the past. It is a time of plenty, of joy and celebration. But it is also a time to work with no time for complacency. The harvest is followed by winter so you should make sure you have stored enough wisdom to face your next challenge. This is another turning point in life, not a goal. There are greater harvests ahead, but like the farmer, you must prepare the land, sow the seed, tend the seedlings and feed the fruit. Jera is a rune of beneficial outcomes. Jera applies to any activity or endeavor to which you are committed. Only please be aware that no quick results can be expected. A span of time is usually involved, and specifically indicates the key words of "One Year", which symbolizes a full cycle before the reaping, the harvest or deliverance. You have prepared the ground and planted the seed. Now, you must cultivate with care because it will be a long coming to term period. Jera offers encouragement of success. Just know that it will be fantastic if you will only continue to perservere. It will take some patience on your behalf because there is no way to just push the river, therefore, you can’t hurry along the harvest. Patience is essential for the recognition of your own process, which in its season, leads to the harvest of the self.
BERKANA - Pronounced "bear-kawn-oh" An exciting time for new beginnings, fresh adventures. Activity and energy. Sow seeds, but the harvest is yet to come, so don’t expect immediate reward for your effort. Put the past in its place, learn from experience. A good time for spiritual renewal - clear away misconceptions and accept new ideas. Berkana also represents birth, both mental and physical and personal growth, and a form of liberation. Regenerative power and light of spring, renewal, the promise of new beginnings, new growth. A love affair or new birth. Either a pregnancy or a new start in a person's life is indicated here -- or the fertility of a new business venture or employment prospect. Berkana indicates a fresh perspective, a good start. Aside from a physical birth, a rebirth, or a burst of creativity may be indicated. Berkana frequently refers to domestic issues and personal relationships -- particularly those involving emotional support, nurturing and "standing by" loved ones. Berkana can also represent a person who is a healer, whether a nurse, doctor, or other kind of healing practitioner. The energies of this rune are healing and life-giving. Creative abilities, nurturing and birth processes in the self. A spring-like perpetual growing is the meaning of this rune. The Birch tree is highly associated with Berkana and the "b" in this case, meaning that which is smooth. The meditations associated would concentrate on the rapid growth of a new situation or fertility. Problems that are treated with Berkana usually come to pass with fruitful outcomes.
Birth, love and harmony are all aspects of this rune. Again the idea of birth goes beyond the physical to encompass all new beginnings - the successful completion of another cycle of life. Ing indicates that a situation has ended, that a plan has successfully concluded. It also can represent that feeling of relief at the end of a task well done. When something ends, something else begins, so Ing indicates new beginnings as well. It is easy to see why Ing is also a fertility rune. Depending on how the rune is drawn, it even sort of resembles the double helix of DNA, further cementing its use as a fertility symbol. The fertility indicated here could be literal, as in a child-to-be possibly by someone close to you, or more figurative, such as a new job, new relationship, or a new stage of life for the person the rune was chosen for. It also means balance, work, productivity, bounty, groundedness, and a connection with the land. Ing reminds us not to lose contact with the earth and nature. This rune represents the harmonious relationship between ourselves and the four elements. Ing also reminds us and reunites us with our spiritual natures through the realm of the physical. It is quite literally a grounding rune, and by reintroducing us to the earth, it reconnects our bodies, our minds and our spirits. Common virtues: Common sense, simple strengths, family love, caring, human warmth, the home. It is a rest stage, a time of relief, of no anxiety. Listen to yourself. The completion of beginnings and an emergence of self. Ing embodies the need to share, the yearning to be desired, a search after similarities. This is the time of forming new relationships with those who become your 'family', of preparing the ground on which the seed of yourself can flourish. On your spiritual path you may feel isolated, but within you burns the fire of inspiration urging you onward and upward. Feed the fire by perseverance. Seek answers but don't get encumbered with irrelevant questions. Live one day at a time, knowing that the past is just a memory, the future just a dream, and the here and now is what matters. Ing can, however, bring out things other than literal, biological fertility. It improves everything in its range. Ing can help uncover "fruits" of the inner life such as inspiration, mystical insight, and great ideas. These can be wisely used for practical results in many cases. Starting a business or a degree program is like sowing seed. Ing is helpful in all of these! In the search for religious/spiritual understanding, Ing can be a great help. It supports life and health. Ing also wards off illness. Ing is orderly and gently motivates. Ing symbolizes the Earth and our deep relation to it. Its appearance may mean that we need to spend more time in nature, or pay more attention to the natural order of things. Outdoor activities are referenced here, including sports, hiking and the ocean. The appearance of Ing may also indicate a need to pay attention to one's body, either through the addition of an exercise regimen to one's life or a change in diet. A healthy metabolism and lifestyle are indicated and associated, and suggests if you focus on a sound body, it will greatly assist in achieving or maintaining a sound mind. This is also a rune of growth: representing the actual act of growth rather than the rewards that await one at the end of the cycle. Personal growth may occur through some event in the near future. This rune applies to the intuitive part of our nature, with its urge towards harmonizing and adjusting in the sphere of personal relationships. Ing embodies the need to share, the yearning to be desired, a search after similarities. The completion of beginnings is what Ing requires. Drawing this rune marks a time of joyful deliverance, of new life, of a new path. A rune of great power, and receiving it means that you now have the strength to achieve completion, resolution from which comes a new beginning. Above all, completion is crucial here. If you have a pending project, it is very important that you complete it now and make it your first priority. If you are experiencing a difficult state of mind for whatever particular reason, it can be clarified and resolved. The appearance of this rune indicates that you must fertilize the ground for your own deliverance. All things change and we cannot live permanently amid obstructions. Ing signals your emergence from a closed, chrysalis state. As you resolve and clear away the old, you will experience a release from tension and uncertainty. You may be required to free yourself from a rut, habit, or relationship, from some deep cultural or behavioral pattern, some activity that was quite proper to the self you are leaving behind. Ing speaks of being centered and grounded, freeing yourself from all unwanted influences. Ing represents that you are truly prepared to open to the Will of Heaven and await your deliverance with calm and certainty. Gypsy, this was quite an amazing and excellent outcome for you. All of the runes were fantastic and each one of them all spoke of rebirth and a new life or the new change of life path you have begun, as well as the reinvention of yourself. They all completely interconnected and brought you full circle, and actually explained how it will occur or take place, as well as how it can be achieved if you listen carefully. Again, all of the Runes spoke specifically about that it is time to leave the past behind and see what lies before you and what will unfold slowly. It is full of promise and hope, with outstanding results when the time comes for the harvest, and the harvest will certainly arrive. I feel strongly that it also suggests, that you should not become discouraged if things aren’t moving along quickly enough for you or you haven’t realized the results you would like fast enough. Progress is slow many times, and that is where your patience will be tested more than once as time passes. This is simply a time for planting the seeds, allowing growth to begin and more or less of reinventing yourself. Just in your personal make-up, you are a very strong and capable woman (The Wild Ox is present in Uruz,,,lol). Nothing you have done thus far has been in vain, it is all for a purpose. Your present life situation is that of tiny buds on a flower who have yet to blossom or seeds that have been planted that are just beginning to sprout. It may take approximately ‘one year’ before you start to see it begin, unfold, or evolve. Another 'key" element that was brought strongly forward in this reading, is that you will overcome whatever obstacles you might be facing presently. They are only temporary situations or difficulties and will resolve themselves satisfactorily, as you reinvent yourself, and as it is meant to be in due time. Patience and not becoming discouraged are critical for you now because eventually with a little bit of time passing, you will see the fruits of your efforts and choices, as well as a harvest, and there is a beautiful new life on the horizon. I hope that this reading has helped in some small way or brought a ray of clarity to you. Thank you Gypsy... With Much Luv, Light & Blessings Always, |
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Re:Angel Readings/Runes Date Posted:02/15/2011 5:45 PMCopy HTML Here it it, Sky. Sorry it took so long to respond. I have read it over several times, and will read it again when I get discouraged. |