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  • Register:08/18/2010 7:28 PM

Date Posted:12/10/2011 5:10 PMCopy HTML


Agate - Agate is good protective energy stone,  and is very calming and soothing. It also can help strengthen the body's connection to the earth. It can give courage, energy, strength, and dispels fears, all of which increase self-confidence. It can also lessen feelings of envy by grounding the emotions. It is a stone of harmony, and by bringing the elements of one's being into harmony it greatly enhances healing. Agate also enhances creativity and stimulates the intellect. Agate is considered a stone that brings good luck. It works with chakras according to stone colour. Agate is said to help with issues of the teeth and gums.


Amazonite - Amazonite is a mint green to aqua green stone of truth, honour, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect, and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with the throat chakra, and as such, can be beneficial to communication. It aligns the physical and astral bodies. It can lessen stress and self-defeating behaviours by calming and building self-esteem. Amazonite can assist with peacefully making the transition out of this life. Amazonite is said to heal emotional disturbances and the after effects of emotional trauma. It is reputed to have spiritual energy healing powers of preventive energy that's good for one's health in general, decreasing heart problems, benefiting the muscles, helping the nervous system, lessening tooth decay and osteoporosis.


Amber - Amber is a powerful chakra cleanser and healer. At a physical level, is imbues the body with vitality and has the power to draw disease out of the body. By absorbing pain and negative energy, amber allows the body to rebalance and heal itself. Amber alleviates stress. It treats the throat, stomach, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver, and gallbladder, alleviates joint problems, and strengthens the mucus membranes. As an elixir and for wound healing, it is an excellent natural antibiotic. Amber provides decisiveness. It strengthens your memory and intellect and helps with emotional calming and centering. It is an excellent grounding crystal, and transmutes negative energy to positive. Amber radiates a warm and bright energy. It aids the Abdomen, Bladder, Blood, Eyes, Kidneys, Stomach, Tissue Revitalization, Throat, Liver, Joint Problems. Wearing crystal jewellery gives you the energy of the stone all day long. Amber draws disease out of afflicted areas and neutralize negative energy allowing the body to heal itself. Please Note: Amber is not a crystalline form nor can it be literally classified as a stone. In actuality, Amber is petrified pine tree sap that is million of years old. Captured within the sap are frequently found small insects, flowers, seeds and other remnants of prehistoric nature.


Amethyst - Amethyst has long been called the "sobriety stone." In ancient Rome, crushed amethyst was added to wine cups to prevent drunkenness. It is said to assist with healing alcoholism, compulsive behaviours, and addictions of all kinds. Amethyst brings energies of stability, peace, calm, balance, courage and inner strength. It has been used to protect against psychic attacks. On the spiritual level, amethyst can help open to communication with angels, telepathy and other psychic abilities. It is an excellent stone for meditation or dream work, past life work, and can help you see your path. It has also been used to help ease the pain of grief, and promote happiness. Amethyst is reputed to be beneficial when dealing with legal problems, and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance. Amethyst is also used as protection for travellers. Physically amethyst is said by spiritual healers and mystical lore to heal the withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction, help with headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues, endocrine system problems, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, and general healing. Amethyst is associated with the brow and the crown chakras.


Apatite- Apatite connects one to a higher level of spiritual guidance and eliminates negativity and detachment. It is extremely useful in the expansion of knowledge. Apatite helps to raise Kundalini energy, inner clarity, and creates a sense of oneness with the higher-self and assists one in reaching deeper states of meditation. It helps to harmonize, balance, and bring together the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Apatite is useful in inspiring the development of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience - having paranormal or psychic feelings and can present one with access to past-life insights and extrasensory perceptions. It can also balance the male and female (yin-yang) energies.


Aragonite - Aragonite is a reliable earth healer and grounding stone, attuned to the Earth Goddess. This stone transforms geopathic stress and clears blocked ley-lines. With its ability to centre and ground physical energies, it is useful in times of stress and stabilises the Root and Earth Chakra. It gently takes you back into childhood or beyond to explore the past. Psychologically it teaches patience and acceptance, it combats over-sensitivity, encourages discipline and reliability, and develops a pragmatic approach to life. Mentally it aids concentration and brings flexibility and tolerance to the mind. Emotionally it combats anger and emotional stress, it provides strength and support. Physically it's a stone that makes you feel comfortable and well within your own body. It strengthens the immune system and regulates processes that are proceeding too fast. Spiritually stabilises spiritual development, restores balance and prepares for meditation by raising vibrations and bringing energy into the physical body. Aragonite can be placed on a map to heal stress lines in the earth.


Aventurine (Blue) - Blue Aventurine is a calming stone is used in healing and balancing the emotions, and helping us to communicate clearly and creatively, hence it works well on the throat chakra. Blue Aventurine stimulates creativity, intellect and independence. It enhances leadership qualities allowing the wearer to act decisively, with strong intuitive power. All-around healer; opens and dissolves blocks in the throat chakra. Increases visionary powers and perceptions. Stimulates creativity and expression. Darker shades of Blue that are nearer to indigo in colour can also be used for the Third Eye Chakra.


Aventurine (Green) - Green Aventurine is said to benefit one in all areas of creativity, and imagination, as well as intellect and mental clarity. Lore says that it enhances prosperity and brings career success. It is a gentle stone energetically that gives a sense of calm and balance and enhances happiness. It also helps one to see alternatives and potentials in all situations, giving a positive outlook, courage and inner strength. It is also said to bring luck, especially in games of chance. Green Aventurine is also a mystical stone of prosperity. Aventurine bring friendship to one's life. It is also a stone of protection energies. Folklore and metaphysical lore say that physically it is beneficial for blood, circulatory system, headaches, general health, and sleep disorders. Aventurine is associated with the heart chakra.


Aventurine (Orange) - Orange Aventurine is an all around healer to bring joy into one's life. Works with the second chakra, dissolving creative blocks. Aids in independence and originality. stimulates creativity & enhances personal power. Enhances intellectual powers & promotes communication. Useful when feeling limited, inhibited, or confined, especially within one’s own thoughts.


Aventurine (Peach) - Peach Aventurine gently increases the energy of the sacral chakra. It helps with decision making and can boost creativity. It is recommended for persons who worry too much. It helps quieten critical self-talk. Peach Aventurine is used to help reach the quiet state necessary for meditation. Peach Aventurines is recommended to persons suffering from anxiety, worry, excessive shyness and Genital and Reproductive diseases. Physically it is beneficial for the lungs, heart, adrenal glands and urogenital system.


Aquamarine - Aquamarine has the calming, soothing energy of the sea. This is the stone of courage. Tranquilizing, uplifting, openness, innocence, light heartedness, creativity, communication, self-awareness, confidence, purpose. Throat, Spleen, Heart Chakra. Used for protection on journeys, especially those who travel on water. Affects etheric and mental levels. Helps stabilize and harmonize unsettled surroundings. Helps reduce fears. Has an affinity with sensitive and mystical people. Increases creativity and sharpens intuition. Excellent stone for meditation. Helps one attune to nature. Quiets the mind and reduces stress. Helps bring about a tolerance toward others. Recommended as a purifier of the throat and helps sore throats. Clears blocked communication and aids the user in verbal expression. This stone allows us to find our individually and be ourselves. It is helpful to those who wear it, in regards to finding love, promoting fidelity and smoothing out differences between others.


Black Onyx - Onyx is associated primarily with the root chakra. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from such. It also helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating excess or unwanted energies. It has been used for wound healing, childbirth and to increase stamina and self-control. Black onyx and red onyx are associated with the base (root, first) chakra. White onyx is associated with linking the base and crown chakras to have balanced energy throughout the chakra system.


Black Tourmaline - Black tourmaline, also known as schorl, is associated with the root or base chakra, and is excellent for grounding excess energy. It is a well known as a purifying stone that deflects and transforms negative energy, and thus is very protective. It can transform and remove negativity from an individual or an environment. It is often used as an aura cleanser, and can help one attain higher levels of awareness. Black tourmaline is also used for repelling and protecting one from black magic, and is often said to return the negative spell to the sender. Black tourmaline has also been used to deflect radiation energy from TV's and computer monitors. Emotionally, black tourmaline is excellent for dispelling fears, obsessions, and neuroses, bringing emotional stability. Physically, black tourmaline can strengthen the immune system, help with heart disease, arthritis, and gout.


Bloodstone - Bloodstone is the stone associated with courage, abundance, purification and good fortune. Helps one to accept change and overcome anxiety, depression and melancholy. Renews relationships and love life. Provides vitality, boosts talent, organizational abilities and charitable instincts. Cures psychosomatic illness (one with more emotional roots than physical) and pains. Purifies blood, detoxifies organs especially liver, kidneys, bladder and spleen.


Blue Howlite - Howlite is a very practical mineral. It allows us to be calm in our communications, increase our awareness and express our emotions. It is a spur to achieve our goals, eliminating inaction and gives us a desire to learn and increase our knowledge. Physically it is said to ease pain, stress and rage. It can calm and dispel criticism and can also bounce off negative energy back to the sender! It is said to balance calcium levels in the body and is therefore good for the treatment of teeth and bones. Please note that blue howlite is not natural and is therefore dyed.


Blue Lace Agate - Blue lace agate is a gentle, calming stone that engenders tranquillity. It assists in flight, grace, reaching higher Spiritual planes, communicating with angels and activates the throat chakra. It can ease the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. It is an inspiring stone that can assist in inner attunement, and has been used to perform miracles. As with all agates, it is a protective stone. Physically it has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, digestive issues, growth, and bones. Blue lace agate is related to the element of Air.


Blue Tigers Eye - Blue Tigers Eye, which is also known as Hawks Eye, enhances integrity of communication and practical communication. It can help find courage to recognize thoughts and ideas, and the willpower to carry them into the physical realm. Blue tigers eye can be used for protection, especially of the upper chakras. It is also said to bring good luck to one who wears or carries it. Blue tigers eye is associated primarily with the throat chakra.


Blue Quartz - Blue quartz, also called Dumortierite, is a stone of order that can enhance organizational abilities, self-discipline, and orderliness. This enhancement is believed to be due to the effect it can have of balancing the throat chakra and enhancing communication between lower chakras (physical) and higher chakras (mental/spiritual). Blue quartz brings this sense of order to all things, and releases fear, bringing courage to one's life. It is also a boost for creativity and expression. Emotionally, blue quartz greatly reduces problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in one's behalf. It can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly stubbornness that is ultimately bad for one. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension. In the psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation. Physically, blue quartz can help with cooling the body, throat, thyroid, and parathyroid, detoxification, overstimulation, hyperactivity, spleen, endocrine system, blood. Darker shades of Blue that are nearer to indigo in colour can also be used for the Third Eye Chakra.


Carnelian - Carnelian is an agate class of chalcedony that is a stone of creativity, individuality and courage. Like all agates, it has protection energies. It can aid memory, including recall of past lives. It can assist one in finding the right mate. It is also a stone of protection in general and from anger, jealousy, and fear. In addition it can help with manifestation of one's desires, and brings good luck. Carnelian can help ease or remove sorrows. It also helps stabilize energies in the home. It is sometimes called the "actor's stone". Carnelian is associated with the root and sacral chakras. Physically, carnelian has been used to heal open sores, rejuvenate tissues and cells, rheumatism, kidney stones and other kidney problems, gall stones, colds, pollen allergies, and neuralgia.


Cherry Quartz - Cherry Quartz brings new hope, acts as an anti-depressant, relief from anxiety, sexual problems related to tension, & helps develop vision for the bigger picture. Cherry quartz is an energy stone and a powerful healing stone. The healing properties of Cherry quartz are used to aid respiratory difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart. This stone is clear to cherry red in colour.


Citrine - Citrine is known as a "success" stone because it is said in folklore to promote success and abundance, especially in business and commerce. Its lore also says that it enhances mental clarity, confidence, happiness and will power. Citrine is purported to bring good fortune, sometimes in very unexpected ways. Citrine is also a good general protection stone according to crystal healing lore. It is said to alleviate depression and self-doubt, and diminish irrational mood swings due to the effect of mental clarity it has. In traditional folklore and crystal healing lore it is said to aid the digestion and eliminate nightmares that disturb one's sleep. It is associated with the solar plexus chakra.


Clear Quartz - Clear Quartz is a power stone that harmonizes and balances. It enhances energy and thoughts, and purifies the spiritual, mental, and physical. It is also a powerfully protective stone, bringing the purified energy in. Historically this crystal has been used to counter black magic, to perform diagnostic healing, and to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Clear quartz, as opposed to coloured quartz, is associated with the crown chakra, but also works well on all chakras. Clear Quartz is considered to be the only crystal that can clear other crystals. You can place your other crystals on top of the Clear Quartz and this will cleanse them of any negativity.


Dalmatian Jasper -Dalmatian Jasper is a light brown coloured jasper with black spots. As a Brown Jasper it has the properties of all Jaspers plus those of Brown Jasper. Jaspers are extremely nurturing stones and work in a subtle way to give slow and gentle healing. They are also extremely protective stones, protecting against depression and negative thinking. In addition Jaspers are said to encourage a determination to succeed and to see ideas through into action. They are therefore extremely useful stones for those starting up their own business. Brown jaspers, including Dalmatian Jasper, are very grounding stones, imparting calm and tranquillity. Placing a large piece of Brown Jasper in a room is believed to absorb negative energy, and to reduce geopathic and environmental stress. Brown jasper is also said to strengthen the resolve to give up smoking. In healing all Brown Jaspers are believed to boost the immune system and to help clear toxins from the body.


Emerald -Emerald is the most recommended stone for breathing issues, heart health, swollen lymph nodes, blood problems, the thymus, the pancreas ( for blood sugar rebalance), labour/delivery, eyesight, and the etheric field. Excellent general healer. Emerald was considered an ancient blood detoxifier and anti-poison. Helps strengthen the backbone and alleviates problems associated with sugar diabetes. Emeralds are of special value to athletes, chiropractors, lecturers, marriage counsellors, masseurs, optometrists, people who work in radioactive areas, and those who work in close quarters. It improves psychic abilities, raises consciousness, and helps the individual attain balance. Also enhances the immune system.


Fluorite - Fluorite promotes spiritual and psychic wholeness and development, truth, protection, and brings peace. It protects psychically and in the physical realm. It helps one meditate and learn to go past the "chatter" that our minds tend to generate when first learning to meditate. It can help get rid of mental blocks and similar mental issues. Physically it helps general health throughout the body's main skeletal and muscular systems. All colours are also good for auric cleansing. Mixed colours bring enhanced protection in the areas enhanced by all combined types. Clear fluorite guards against psychic attack and strengthens consciousness. Blue fluorite has the quality of protecting the emotions and restoring emotional balance. Purple fluorite strengthens mystical insight, psychic awareness, and can open the third eye. Green fluorite is an excellent all purpose healing stone that promotes healing on all levels. It also promotes self-love.


Fuchsite - Fuschite is sometimes called the "stone of health" in part because it can help access information on health. Fuschite can also help one bounce back after emotional or physical problems. It can also help get information on daily routine, stress, pets, and career. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and light heartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. It also increases energy transfer when multiple stones are used for healing.


Garnet (Red) - Garnet cleanses and re-energises the chakras. It revitalises, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. Inspires love and devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. It activates and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope. Stimulates past-life recall. Sharpens perceptions of oneself and others. Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens the heart and bestows self-confidence. Garnet regenerates the body and stimulates the metabolism. It treats disorders of the spine and spinal fluid, bone, cellular structure and composition. Purifies the heart, lungs, blood and regenerates DNA. Garnet boosts the immune system and energy levels. A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalises feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Red Garnet controls anger, especially toward the self. Red Garnet is related to the Root Chakra and the Heart Chakra.


Golden Quartz - Also know as Golden Healer, Gold Quartz is a crystal which is partially or totally covered with a transparent golden-yellow mineral. This has been used to assist one in attaining and maintaining contact with the spiritual worlds and to incite healing on all levels. It is an excellent stone for use in all healing situations and promotes the recognition of methods and techniques which will further recovery from all disorders. The golden healer quartz's colour and energy comes from the iron oxide that is either in or on the crystals, and sometimes it is both. It assists in healing all of the bodies, physical, emotional. Mental and spiritual. It can be held in the hand during meditation or placed on the body. Golden quartz accesses very high ( Consciousness) information and also activates the 3rd chakra marrying our will with the divine will.


Goldstone - Goldstone is a man-made stone, just a type of glass with glittery metallic material in it. It is a valid classification, as it has many properties of natural glasses, such as obsidian which are modified by its being man-made and having been doped with additives. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to Solar plexus Chakra to reduce stomach tension, protect centre of body.


Hematite - Hematite is known as a "stone for the mind". It brings mental organization and is very grounding and calming. It helps with original thinking, logical thinking, and mathematics. It decreases negativity and can help balance the body/mind/spirit. Physically it has been used to keep the body cool, to decrease blood disorders, nervous problems and insomnia, as well as align the spine and mend broken bones. Hematite is associated with the root (base) chakra. Hematite is good at grounding out excess energy and acting as a stabilizing force.


Honey Calcite - Honey Calcite is a stone that gently amplifies energy. It also assists in the challenges associated with change. Honey Calcite enhances psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness. Physically, Honey Calcite is beneficial for kidneys, bladder, female organs, menopause. It is an excellent massage stone.  Honey Calcite is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras, and helps bring balance between these two chakras.


Iolite - Iolite is popularly known as water sapphire, although it is not a type of sapphire at all. It is, however, one of the best stones to use in psychic, healing, and spiritual activities. It can open one to psychic talents and expand them, and is excellent for use on the 3rd eye and crown chakras. It was used in thin sheets by the ancient Vikings as a "lens" to see during their ocean voyages, as the world's first polarising filter, and is often known as the Viking stone. It is thus said that iolite can bring clear psychic vision. It can also enhance curiosity. It is also an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. Iolite is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate visions. Iolite is very helpful when dealing with addictions, including alcoholism. It is also said to help build relationships of all kinds. It assists in detoxification as well as maintaining sobriety. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. In the physical realm, iolite is used to help heal sore throat, varicose veins, and blisters.


Jade (New Jade) - Serpentine is the correct name for New Jade. Jade is a symbol of serenity and purity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquillity. It increases love and nurturing. A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilises the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Stimulates ideas. A "dream stone", Jade brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Jade encourages you to become who you really are. Jade aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. Jade removes toxins, rebinds skeletal and cellular systems, and heals stitches. It assists fertility and childbirth. Jade balances body fluids.


Kyanite - Kyanite is a stone of channelling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations. It gives protection during these states. It brings loyalty, honesty and tranquillity, and diminishes anger and confusion. Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing. It does align and balance all chakras, often very suddenly. Kyanite can remove energy blockages. Blue kyanite is associated with the throat chakra and is a boost to meditation. Black kyanite is also a boost to meditation, and is associated with the root chakra. Black kyanite is also very protective and deflects negativity.


Labradorite - Labradorite has long been a Shaman's stone - meaning it has very magical, transformational and etheric qualities. It is one of the best grounding stones to accompany astral travel/higher chakra work. It truly helps to maintain connection to Earth, whilst its light-reflectivity helps to explore higher vibrations. This 'holding your ankles whilst you fly' effect - ensures that you are able to bring down and integrate into physical life whatever you learn working in higher realms. If you practice meditation (or would like to), focusing on labradorite can help you enter and maintain the meditative state. Labradorite is known to have healing properties for mental confusion and indecision which allows the wearer of the stone to have self-understanding on a deeper level. It is also believed to strengthen the human immune system.


Lapis Lazuli - Lapis Lazuli enhances the interconnectedness of the higher bodies with the physical body, resulting in a heightened willingness to communicate freely with the outer world. The primary effect of Lapis is upon the throat; as such, Lapis affects the speech centre and the ability to communicate freely and stay in touch with one’s surroundings. Lapis stimulates the thyroid and harmonizes its functions. The secondary effect of Lapis is upon the kidneys, helping with elimination of toxins and reducing high blood pressure. Lapis Lazuli has a profound effect on female hormonal balance. It usually increases the menstrual cycle by two days, and for those that are menopausal, a sequence of changes is induced that may result in the return of a regular menstrual cycle. Lapis has proven itself as a tool for weight loss, particularly reducing the fat levels in one’s tissue. Lapis Lazuli will help to open the third eye and connect one with the consciousness of the Universe. Lapis Lazuli is wonderful at helping one with dream recall and psychic work. Lapis can be worn to help one organize their life, and the routine of day to day activities in which someone is involved. It is said to help one overcome depression and enhances the state of serenity and self acceptance. It is also said that Lapis Lazuli will help one have successful relationships. Lapis is also a protective stone, given to children it is said to help keep the child our of danger. Lapis is used by mediums to help prevent psychic attacks and shelter the wearer from physical danger. It is said to bring wisdom and planetary knowledge the person drawn to working with Lapis Lazuli. Lapis is a stone for the Throat Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra.


Lepidolite - Lepidolite is a soft lilac coloured stone with extremely high vibrations. It is believed to work on the brain’s pain centres helping to alleviate drug addiction and bipolar disorder and helping to stabilise mood swings Lepidolite is said to be excellent for the menopause, stress, depression, despondency, obsessive thinking and confusion. It is also said to stimulate the intellect and to help you to focus on what is important. Placed under your pillow, or by the side of your bed, Lepidolite is said to help overcome insomnia. Placed directly on the body Lepidolite is said to ease joint problems, to numb sciatica, to relieve allergies and to strengthen the immune system. It is also said to be beneficial in treating illnesses caused through ‘sick building syndrome’. Lepidolite activates the Throat, Heart, Brow and Crown Chakras bringing cosmic awareness and aiding deep meditation by clearing unwanted debris from the mind.


Mookite - Mookite is a stone of the here and now. It can help one balance the internal and external and acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a meditation of any act one does. Mookite is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector. In the physical realm it is said in crystal healing lore to stabilize health and fortify the immune system. Mookite is associated with the lower chakras.


Orange Calcite - Orange Calcite is the stone of creativity and confidence. It is a calcium carbonate and is found in a range of colours from pale yellow/orange to deep orange. White inclusions can also occur within the crystalline structure. The frequency of Orange Calcite connects to the sacral and solar plexus chakras. It allows one to be creative in one's thoughts and ideas, and to have the confidence to bring them into manifestation. It brings crystalline "sunlight" onto one's energy fields helping to clear blockages within the sacral and solar plexus chakras which allows for creativity, and increased confidence. It helps to overcome shyness and depression by balancing one's energy fields and the physical body.


Opalite - Opalite (aka Tiffany Stone, Opalized Fluorite, Opal Fluorite, Bertrandite, Ice Cream Opalite, Purple Opal) is a highly energetic but subtle stone. Psychically it helps with communication and interpretation of psychically received information of all kinds, including telepathic, channelled, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and others. It is excellent for removing energy blockages of the meridians and chakras. Tiffany Stone is helpful emotionally by assisting transitions during changes of all kinds, engendering persistence and emotional strength, and verbalizing hidden or secret feelings. Opalite is also beneficial for business and business success. Physically, Opalite is an all-around healing stone. Opalite is associated primarily with the third eye chakra.


Peridot- Peridot is one of the joy stones, Peridot brings the energies from in the aura to the physical body. Helps in understanding the changes in one's life and provides a protective shield around the body. Can be used to cleanse and stimulate the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras. Attracts occult powers to the user. Also used in treating emotional states such as anger or jealousy. Inspires healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. Heals hurt feelings, helps mend damaged relationships. Peridot, as well as being recommended as a cure for insomnia, is said to aid the digestion, placate the nervous system, reduce temperature, improve bruised eye, and alleviate anger, jealousy and irritation. It is associated with stress reduction, relaxation, health vigour, recuperative abilities, comfort and intuition. Especially good for healing the healers.


Pyrite- Pyrite is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. It can help you tap your own latent mental talents and abilities. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Pyrite is also known as Fool's Gold and Healer's Gold.


Red Jasper - Red jasper is called a stone of fairness and justice because mystical lore claims that it decreases unjustness and helps in unfair situations. It is also said to enhance responsibility, choice, and compassion. Used in mystical dream work, it can enhance dream recall. It is said to assist in protection and rescue from danger. Red jasper is associated with the first and second chakras. Metaphysically, it is purported to have a stabilizing effect, and help one take all one's energy and use it in a balanced manner. It is also said to be a stone that helps in all areas of survival, and is a very protective stone. Red jasper said in gemstone lore to be a stone of controlled passion and used to help control one's own passions. Crystal healing lore says that physically it assists in healing by maintaining positive movement with all types of disorders and disease.


Rhodonite - Rhodonite is a stone of grace and elegance. It decreases anxiety while increasing attention to detail. It works beneficially on the heart chakra, opening one to unconditional love and increased service to mankind. It is also a calming stone. Rhodonite is also a stone of contrasts. The bright pinks indicate energy that enhances passionate love. The shiny black indicates grounding energy. This stone can help one have a passionate love that is also grounded. Physically it has been known to help with emphysema, joint inflammation, light sensitivity, strep throat and heart disorders.


Rose Quartz - Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love. It opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Rose quartz has excellent protection energies during pregnancy and childbirth. The elevated energy of quartz gives rose quartz a property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. It also brings gentleness, forgiveness, and tolerance. Rose quartz is also said to be helpful with weight loss. Rose quartz is associated with the heart chakra.


Selenite - Selenite is one of a very few minerals with the specific metaphysical capabilities/properties that make it capable of clearing and re-charging other crystals. Not only is Selenite useful for clearing negative or unwanted energies from crystals and stones, it may also be used to effectively clear ritual and ceremonial tools, jewellery, tarot cards, even the surroundings. In addition to a multitude of other metaphysical attributes, Selenite has a calming and uplifting quality similar to Fluorite. Comprised of some of the lightest elements on earth (calcium, sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen), Selenite vibrates to a very high frequency, and for this reason, is an extremely powerful light working tool. In addition, it is a natural form of fiber optic, making it especially useful for transmitting white light, and coloured light. Selenite is a crystalline form of Gypsum. The beautiful Satin-Spar variety is bright white, opaque, and light refractive (light shimmers on its surface). The Gem-Ice variety is crystal clear, allowing it to absorb and emit light. Both forms are exceptionally energetic, and versatile, making Selenite an outstanding tool for use in crystal work Selenite does not ever need to be cleared. It is self-clearing, and self-charging. It is also important to note that Selenite should never be placed in or near liquid, as it is water-soluble, and will dissolve over time.


Smokey Quartz - Smokey Quartz is a grounding and stabilizing stone. It brings calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection. Physically, smoky quartz is helpful for kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps, fertility issues, water retention. Smoky quartz is associated with the root chakra.


Snowflake Obsidian - Snowflake Obsidian is calming and soothing. It teaches you to value mistakes as well as successes. A stone of purity, Snowflake Obsidian provides balance for body, mind and spirit. It helps you recognise and release "wrong thinking" and stressful mental patterns. Promotes dispassion and inner centring. Snowflake Obsidian empowers isolation and loneliness, aiding surrender in meditation. Snowflake Obsidian aids in disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It improves circulation and alleviates muscular aches and spasms. Treats joint pain (arthritis) and hardening of the arteries. The blackness of this stone enhances the ability to reach your inner self. It is one of the earliest known stones to be used for scrying (seeing into the future).


Snow Quartz - Snow quartz is a stone that brings good fortune. It is also a calming and soothing stone. Snow quartz is helpful for meditation, and looking within. It also has all the properties of clear quartz to a gentler degree. Snow quartz is often used for purification. Physically, it is beneficial for the immune system.


Sodalite - Sodalite is a stone of logic, rationality, and efficiency. It is helpful for work in groups and stimulates thought. Sodalite is a stone that is good for healing breaches in communication. It is a stone of truth, and brings this to all communications. It can help end arguments or other disagreements. It is particularly useful for honesty of emotions. It increases intelligence, knowledge and learning, and can unite the logical with the spiritual. Physically it is beneficial for the glands, digestive system, relieving insomnia, and decreasing calcium deficiency. It can also be useful for quicker healing of head colds. Sodalite is associated with the throat and brow chakras.


Tigers Eye - Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger's eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. It can also help one see clearly without illusion. Tiger's eye brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's personal power.


Tourmaline - Tourmaline comes in various colours and hues. Balances, protects, calms, gives self- confidence and cheerfulness. Useful for meditation. Attracts inspiration, goodwill and friendship. Protects wearer against misfortune and anaemia. Prevents lymphatic disease. Grounds high-frequency energies. Black or Green Tourmaline strengthens nervous system, regulates blood pressure. Deflects negative energy, attracts prosperity. Blue Tourmaline cures all throat problems, thyroid and speech impediments. Promotes clear verbal expression, dissolves mental friction, emotional constriction. Carries a high electrical charge and if rubbed briskly one end becomes positive and one negative, the energy can then be directed wherever peaceful energy is required. Watermelon/Pink Tourmaline is a heart balancer. Promotes understanding of self and emotions. Enhances flexibility, happiness, objectivity, compassion, serenity, balance, positive transformation, healing, strength, tolerance, and understanding. Excellent channelling stone for communication with higher forces.


Turquoise - Turquoise is a very sacred stone used for centuries by the Native American's in all healing work. This is a stone of peace, serenity and tranquillity. Increases protection, meditation energy, wisdom, balance, honest communication, strength, friendship and love. Shields the wearer from harmful influences, attracts friendship. In healing this stone connects the spiritual bodies with the other levels: the physical, emotional, and intellectual. It is said that turquoise will grow pale on a sickly person and recover its colour when returned to a healthy person. Overlaps the heart and throat energy centres and connects the three upper and three lower chakras. Beneficial for the entire body, especially the respiratory and immune systems It is good for laryngitis and nervousness in speech Can strengthen entire anatomy and helps improve all diseases. Colour varies from Blue to Green.


White Howlite - This is a white stone with high calcium content; this makes it an ideal stone for pregnant and nursing mothers. It is good for deepening sleep thus recovering wisdom from the dream state. Howlite is predominantly a calming stone, it will aid in sleeping, calming the overactive mind, eases insomnia, dreaming, dream retention and stress relief. Physically it calms the whole body and releases muscle tension. It eliminate pain brought about by stress, and is said to aid in healing stress related injuries such as ulcers, heart problems and rashes. It is helpful in balancing the calcium levels in the body as well as strengthening teeth and bones.


Yellow Jade - Yellow jade is believed to aid a poor digestion. When used close to the body, Yellow Jade is thought to provide protection from one's enemies and can be used to protect one on long journeys. Also to attract good luck, for wisdom, for long life and a peaceful death. Helps to control dream content or focus. In ancient China and ancient Egypt it was widely used as a talisman to attract good fortune, friendship and loyalty.

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Re:Key Crystal Info

Date Posted:12/13/2011 2:02 AMCopy HTML

Great information! Just wishing there was a picture of each individual crystal.
Lightworkers by gracewatcher
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