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Date Posted:05/02/2011 10:45 PMCopy HTML Sky, |
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Re:Request for A reading Date Posted:05/12/2011 12:18 AMCopy HTML Waya,,,my little chick-a-dee,,,it would be my pleasure to provide a reading for you. Thus far, we are a small group without much activity, so I am thankful for the opportunity. Your reading was done in coordination with spirit and The Angelic Messenger Cards. Usually, between one and three cards are drawn, but for some unknown reason this time, it felt that four cards should be drawn on your behalf and was the right thing to do. . #19 EXPRESSION PRESENT CHALLENGE: This is a card of Integration. It speaks of unleashing spiritual energy and overcoming limitations. This card of Expression has been drawn in order to further your personal spiritual growth and to help call your attention those ways to which you box in and limit your spirit’s energy. Even if you have worked on healing past painful experiences or even possibly dysfunctional attitudes in some regard, this card is clearly pointing out and strongly saying that you can further or even finish this release work by paying particular attention to color and its healing energy. You have drawn this powerful card of self-expression in order to further awaken your spirit’s presence and to reorder and deepen your beliefs about God. ANGELIC MESSAGE The search for divine realization is your search, and your children’s search, as well as your grandchildren’s search one day as well. You express the magnificence of love only as you experience God’s love. You and all living things are the colors of this expression of divine love. You have specific physical characteristics, and these are to honor your own uniqueness as well as the entire divine system of life. The color of your skin, the color of your clothes, your house, your car, and your friends, all are expressions of Divine love. God is woven into all life because God is life. Your spirit, as part of this Grand Divine Plan, isn’t bound by your physical body’s boundaries. In your daily life you are aware that a part of you is tied directly to the physical body through laughter or tears, happiness or fear. These mental expressions of your physical reality change as quickly as your clothes. Your spiritual expression, however, remains constant. It is the guiding light within. Your spirit is urging you continually to live with love and compassion, and beyond your desire to understand God, merely loving your way into the realization of God. Your spiritual body is in no way limited because your mind is unable to follow into uncharted realms of energy. The next time you are tied up in knots emotionally, try to catch the fleeting impression of your spirit, and you will sense an entirely different energy. The time you feel the least like looking for spiritual insight is often the time you will be the most successful, because spiritual orientation can come through clearly during mental disorientation. SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITY The guidance through this flower image is to be aware that your inner voice can trumpet out into your life and into the world, during feelings that grow from an unlimited spiritual reality, truth, love, joy, kindness, compassion, and service. The varying darkness and lightness of the purple flower petals alerts you to the truth that your entire life is a spiritual search. Some days you will feel more directly aligned with the Divine, and on other days, you will feel more limited, upset, and distant from God, but the colors of God’s love are always available to you. The divine Presence is never far away, never distant from your problems and concerns. But the Divine Presence also doesn’t accept problems as the excuse for denying love. The vast and all-encompassing energy of God knows that a different realization is possible. In order to "see" and "feel" God at work in your life, you need to find and use the gifts of insight and perception available to you. APPLICATION To call on the energy of your spirit for healing of yourself or others, close your eyes and imagine that you can perceive a boundary or outline around your physical body. This outline often appears as an oval. Where the physical body is healthy, a blue/purple border is visible around the perimeter of the body. Where illness is present, the border is often broken, missing, or appears to be black or dark grey. Healing involves understanding the emotions that have broken down your aura of health in the past. In meditation, ask to understand the nature of the force that holds disease, dysfunction, or disturbance in place in your life. Ask yourself what passion may have been thwarted in your life that you desire to recognize and recapture. As you approach the accurate negative feelings or responses, the blue-purple around your body will begin to reappear. This means that healing has begun. #8 POTENTIAL PRESENT CHALLENGE Potential is a card of Partnership. It speaks of Accepting yourself as your own "teacher" who can assess and create from your own spiritual intentions. This card of Partnership has been drawn in order to expand your potential for joy, love, and creative expression. You may have felt for too long that others held the answers to your life or were responsible for blocking your progress. But now through the circumstances unfolding in your life, you are reminded that you alone are required to make certain choices for your life and that in accepting this challenge, you are awakening a level of creativity that for too long has laid dormant. It is very important for you to take the steps necessary in allowing your creative and spiritual juices to begin to flow again. This card holds the energy of change and is alerting you to accept personal responsibility for the events that have unfolded in your past, to forgive others and move into your future with anticipation of success and joy. You have entered a period in which meaningful relationships will flow to you as you allow your creativity to reflect the wisdom of the Divine. ANGELIC MESSAGE The cards are speaking again of how God is the all-inclusive energy of divine love, and that your Angelic Teachers bring you the message that the fulfillment and joy you seek can truly be found in the universal force. Nothing can stand in the way of your awakening to your potential except your own apathy, resistance, fear, or anxiety. God, as energy, encompasses both the light and the void, the joy of spiritual awakening and the pain produced by the void, the shadow self that emerges to obliterate your awareness of God’s love. Both the light and the shadow have been vying for your attention, so your natural belief in yourself and your future may have been clouded temporarily by unforeseen circumstances. Potential is never diminished, only the confidence with which to use this natural spiritual creativity is ever damaged. When you have faith that you are on the spiritual path, then the immediate circumstances in life are less anxiety-producing, and relationships can be built and also dismantled with less pain and trauma. You and all other people and living things have specific intentions for being on the Earth at this time. You are able to rest in the contentment of your own inner work with more assurance when you accept that God is within all of the experiences presently or recently in your life, both the joy and the fear, both the searching and the discovery, both the enlightenment and occassionally the temporary loss of God’s presence in your life. Assume that you have a mission to accomplish that involves your own unique abilities. The world awaits your contributions. Put aside the voice of your ego-mind that tells you how to market yourself or your ability, and accept that your spirit-mind, which tells you to use your natural creativity without thought for self-gain. Only through giving from your spiritual center will you truly realize and benefit from unleashing your potential. SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITY The guidance to you through this card is a call to recognize that you, like this image, are also the bud. Even though you may have many accomplishments to your credit, your potential is still dormant. You have drawn this very important card of Partnership to encourage you to reassess the subtle dynamics of your closest relationships or partnership because you and perhaps others need to change the ways in which you’ve always interacted. You are also being alerted to the fact that others are unable to thwart your growth unless you believe that they can. You are responsible for living true to your own inner teachings and then working cooperatively with others in ways that encourage growth for all parties. APPLICATION Make a list of the spiritual qualities you associate with the bud -- the student -- and also with the full blown flower -- the teacher. Does it feel safer to be the bud because the student is not expected to know, to perform, or to assume responsibility for fully engaging his or her potential??? Bring a small flowering plant into your house or your place of work. Watch it grow from the bud stage into its fullness. Imagine that you also are changing and growing as quickly and with as much certainty of the rightness of your choices as the flower does. Seek to hear your guidance daily. #12 FORGIVENESS PRESENT CHALLENGE Forgiveness is also a card of Partnership. Accepting responsibility for your life, releasing blame and the judgment of others. This card has been drawn because immense beauty and opportunity may live beneath your old emotional scars. You have reached a point in your life when you are being directed to free up the energy you’ve tied to old feelings and even possibly failures in one form or another. Even though you may have worked on various somewhat dysfunctional patterns for years, this time in your life represents the final pass-through for many of these persisting lessons. Forgiveness is the basis for spiritual work because it asserts that you can truly know and appreciate only your own life’s journey and perspective. Forgiveness comes through turning your attention inward and using the spiritual energy of love to assess your own relationships. ANGELIC MESSAGE Forgiveness is a spiritual initiative rather than one grounded in the emotions or the intellect. It is difficult to forgive others completely without reserving that small corner of your heart that asserts you were right and they were wrong. That is because you may be seeking to forgive others by using a rational explanation for the reason you should forgive. Truly releasing lingering remorse, guilt, or anger through reasoning is impossible. But, once you realize that your failure to forgive hinders the flow of love into your life and the circulation of this essential energy throughout your body and mind, you are capable of forgiving others from a place deep within you. Love is the nature of the spiritual energy that guides your life and quite literally accounts for the inner balance that maintains physical health and emotional well-being. Forgiving others allows you to release the energy of love into your daily living. The love you need today in your life to help you meet challenges and to maintain your own inner "light" may still be tied to old, unresolved hurts. Any apathy you are experiencing, any confusion, lack of direction, exhaustion, or sense of being overwhelmed, may well stem from captive energy held in the small corners of your heart. Love is the emotional and spiritual energy that ties you to those who have hurt you. The issues that seem to defy forgiveness are always aligned in some way with love, the love you never received, the love that you offered and others rejected or betrayed, the love that was used to manipulate or control you. Love is the basis of your life’s well-being, but in tying your spiritual energy reserves to old hurts, you are severely limiting the energy of love available to you in the present moment. Perhaps this is the time to search your heart for those you still need to forgive more fully. SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITY The simplicity and elegance of the single purple flower image on this card shows you quite strikingly your guidance for this day. This is a card of Partnership and Relationships. This card has been drawn in order to expand your current level of spiritual awareness and the love in your life. You are encouraged to release old grievances and reorder each day to that you are no longer accumulating new grievances against yourself or others. This flower image grows straight and true to its purpose. You, too, also are emerging from times of less clarity into a more direct and fulfilling life path. This image is not shadowed in anyway by yesterday’s burdens or troubles, and so you are also encouraged to accept each new day without the carryover of previous troubles, burdens, and grievances. Each evening and each morning you can move through, meditate through, and pray through previous hurts and burdens. APPLICATION Energy follows every conversation and interaction. Ask yourself, "Is this exchange with my partner, friend, or child, productive?" Am I learning, sharing, accepting, participating, or feeling otherwise positively engaged? Have I, or are they, closed down, and are we only going through the motions of sharing? Experience your different responses to people and situations. Try saying to yourself, "I forgive you, and I forgive me for being caught up in the process of change and for our being unable to see each other clearly." Pay attention to the thoughts you have as you fall asleep and those that are on your mind when you wake up. These thoughts embody the situations and the people needing your forgiveness. Releasing yourself from having to be what others want or need lets you find your own true self. Be true to yourself today by forgiving everyone and everything that you meet. Then you will be free to live in love. #28 COURAGE Courage is a card of Alignment. PRESENT CHALLENGE Persevering even when the work you’ve begun seems to falter. This card has been drawn to fortify your love and to let you know that you are on the right inner path whether or not the outward signs in your life suggest success. Since this is an Alignment Card, it is meant to help further focus your attention on your full acceptance of your personal gifts and abilities, the spiritual and physical resources available to you, and your vision that is forever your guide. You may feel that you have been following guidance and now wonder whether you are doing the right thing, because you’ve met unexpected obstacles. This card was drawn in order for you to learn something new about the spiritual resources available to you. Sharing your spiritual gifts in some way or another will prove rewarding to you and is strongly urged and suggested, which will also dramatically help in your creative process and path which will flow easily if you will only try or assert yourself to some degree. It will give you a wonderful feeling of satisfaction in being confident of your own abilities as you proceed along and begin to flow with it. ANGELIC MESSAGE You can count your physical resources more easily than your spiritual ones. Spiritual resources are your ability to find God through peaceful and inspiring medication or in devoting a portion of your time in doing spiritual work for others, and through seeing beauty in those around you and in yourself, and in accepting abundance and joy as your rightful companions in this lifetime as well. In short, spiritual resources become available to you through the courage to experience life as a living prayer and each moment as an affirmation of the blessings received. Humanity’s challenge has always been, and will continue to be, the search for union with the Divine. Every person eventually seeks inner peace and confirmation of a spiritual dimension no matter the words they choose. It is too difficult to live in Earth School without an awakened spirit. Consider the courage of the flower as it pushes forth its stamen and pistil to reproduce its kind. The flower affirms its beauty and elegance just as you can. You are beautiful and have an elegant spirit when you live in love and use compassion as your aid. And these qualities are everlasting. When you place your belief in other people and in your outer mind’s ability to guide your life, you give your effort, belief, and energy to the building of your physical resources alone. These come and go as quickly as the current of the ocean rearrange the sandy shores of the beach. You may go through many experiences over and over, with the same types of people, with the same attitudes and beliefs, unaware that to break the cycle is to put attention on your spiritual resources. The full measure of your effectiveness, love, and endurance through challenge and struggle is found through awakening your spirit. Your spirit is manifested love. It holds your intention for meaningful service, your capacity to overcome adversity, and your ability to see beauty, compassion, and joy where there may seem to be none. You become a creator, a divine initiator, when you know your own awakened spirit. SPIRITUAL OPPORTUNITY The guidance coming to you through this intense and powerful image, is to show you that specific obstacles may be in your life in order to clear the way for greater spiritual wisdom, physical success, and prosperity. Something that you care passionately about may seem to be in jeopardy, a potential work situation or perhaps a relationship may seem to be breaking up or has just fallen short of a complete break up, or an opportunity for abundance my seem to be evaporating. The red/orange colors of this flower’s pistil and stamen show you that you are dealing with an issue that is core to your life. Orange is the color of the balance you seek and red the passion of your emotions that have been aroused. You may, for example, be ready to talk things over with parents, children, or those who you’ve felt have stood in your way or hurt you in the past. You are coming to a into a place which will have a much more accepting outlook. The aspects of this flower are meant to help you appreciate the significant nature of the issues you are addressing in order to have the courage to persevere. You are moving long standing blocks out of your path so that you may move dramatically onward into success and abundance. APPLICATION When you feel yourself on a threshold of change or choice and are unsure what to do, try praying. I know, it sounds so simple,,,but this is the guidance being brought forward at this time. "Dear Guardian Angel, please allow me to benefit from the change and to know the course of action I should take. Allow my guidance to be shown to me in such direct and obvious ways that I can be at peace, knowing I won’t overlook or fail to see the guideposts. Let my intention for service and right choices be heard clearly, and let me trust that what comes to me will benefit my life appropriately."
Waya, I sure hope this helped in some small way hon. You truly are a beautiful person who has so much to offer to family, friends, acquaintances, and simply just the world out there. I can honestly feel your inner beauty many times, and I am honored to call you "friend" and "spiritual sister". |
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Re:Request for A reading Date Posted:05/12/2011 3:05 AMCopy HTML omg, I haven't read through all of this reading yet Sky, but just from gleaning a few things from each message, it is very interesting and I'm thinking accurate.
I will read it all the way through here in next couple of days and give you more feed back. Thank you for your time and sharing your gift with me! Blessings n Love! Waya |