Title: Chat Room | |
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Ex_Member | |
Date Posted:09/15/2011 3:58 AMCopy HTML Is there any one time or day in which there are scheduled chats. If so please point me in the direction of the board with the info. I'd love to join a chat sometime. Cougar
PollyProwse | Share to: #1 |
Re:Chat Room Date Posted:09/15/2011 10:58 AMCopy HTML Hi Cougar, yes Sky does have a chat night but dont know if its every week as I am located in Spain so the hours are very different from America. No doubt Sky will see your post and respond.........hang tight
Namaste Polly xx Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul and miracles in your life.
SkySpirit448 | Share to: #2 |
Re:Chat Room Date Posted:09/15/2011 10:43 PMCopy HTML Hiya Cougar, Wow, it's great to have someone ask, lol. I held a Chat Night/Reading Night a few weeks ago, and considering that we are a small group and some people reside out of the country and are on different time zones, we had a good turnout. I was thinking about having one next Wednesday. I will do a posting for it and send out an e-mail to everyone. Just so you know, I have an e-mail address that I use mostly for the group which is [email protected]. Please don't delete it as spam, lol. Was great hearing from you. Thanks. Many Blessings, Sky |
Ex_Member | Share to: #3 |
Re:Chat Room Date Posted:09/24/2011 4:05 AMCopy HTML
Sorry I couldn't make it to chat on Wednesday but I had to very sick members of my family that I had to take care of. As long as nothing else goes wrong I should be in chat next week.
SkySpirit448 | Share to: #4 |
Re:Chat Room Date Posted:09/24/2011 7:17 AMCopy HTML Hi Cougar,
I really appreciate you letting us know. That was very nice of you. I don't normally hold an event every week, it's mostly once in awhile. But, it's great when people generate interest. I may try a different night of the week next time, like a Tuesday or a Friday night, but it might not be for another few weeks if that's okay. If we can get enough people to join in each time, then it will certainly be held on a regular weekly basis. I'll keep you posted. ~ Sky ~ |