Title: The Scenery Nook | |
SkySpirit > The Scenery Nook > Monthly Photo | Go to subcategory: |
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SkySpirit448 | |
Date Posted:02/03/2011 1:50 AMCopy HTML A different photograph will be posted every month consisting of beautiful scenery. Please tell us what you see or what you feel from the scenery. It can be anything at all in as far as the colors and what sort of a feeling you get from them, or if it reminds you of a place or perhaps a vacation that you took. Feel free to express what it represents to you, or if it is inspiring to you in some way, for instance, like wanting to paint a picture or go and read a book.. Any association you make at all with the photo please share with us.
Occassionally, we will put something a little different up like beautiful flowers or something else that relates to scenery, but might not be your typical scenery pic, just to shake things up a bit and keep it interesting... |
GypsyDragonLady | Share to: #1 |
Re:The Scenery Nook Date Posted:02/08/2011 3:30 AMCopy HTML Besides making me a little sea-sick (lol) the first thought I got was one of the visualizations we did back on MSN in the Healing Circle. For me, at least, it is a very inspirational picture. Wish I could go and visit there right about now (lol). |
SkySpirit448 | Share to: #2 |
Re:The Scenery Nook Date Posted:02/08/2011 7:05 AMCopy HTML Ha Ha Gypsy,,,Sea-sick,,,you are a funny gal... I was waiting to see who the first person would be to say that, lol. I know what you mean, we can all use an island or a cruise right about now. When I look at this pic, I can see myself standing under the waterfall using some kind of tropical, and of course, bio-degradeable shampoo, just letting the water pour down over me. Then sitting there on the shoreline wearing one of those Dorthy Lamour dresses from the old Road to Bali or Road to Rio movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, just sipping on some exotic cocktail, perhaps two or three...lol...just watching the distant lightening under the clouds,,, Not a care in the world. If only...right. |