Title: Totem Power Stones | |
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SkySpirit448 | |
Date Posted:05/12/2011 11:44 PMCopy HTML TOTEM POWER STONES This process can be found on the web and I have listed the site at the bottom of the page. These gemstones are relatively inexpensive and it could make a unique and/or just a great gift for yourself or for someone else. They have brought together Native American and semiprecious tumbled gemstones into one. TOTEM POWER STONES are created by carving Power figures deeply into gemstones. By using this process, they have merged their intrinsic & metaphysical properties effectively, doubling their combined power in TOTEM POWER STONES. Each stone is carefully selected and carved in the USA .Alligator Buffalo Aggression, Survival, Adaptability Sacredness, Life, Builder Ant Grizzly Bear Team Player, Worker Hunter, Nature’s Pharmacist Bear Bear Paw Power, Adaptability Strength, Mobility Quail Angel Sacred Spiral, Ceremonial, Holy Protector, Guardian, Friend Horse Spider Stamina, Mobility, Strength Creative Pattern of Life Frog Dolphin Connection With Water Element Kindness, Play, Bridge Man To Ocean Snake Pheasant Shrewdness, Transformation Confidence, Attraction, Flamboyance Whale Seahorse Wisdom, Provider, Cleanser Confidence, Grace Turtle Dragonfly Self-contained, Creative Source Flighty, Carefree Swan Rabbit Grace, Balance, Innocence Alertness, Nurturing Armadillo Hummingbird Active, Nocturnal, Protection Messenger, Stopper of Time Kokopelli Lizard Fertility, Music, Joy Conservation, Agility Elk Crane Strength, Agility, Freedom Solitude, Independence Beaver Skunk Builder, Gatherer Wary, Conspicuous, Intense Mouse Shark Timid, Secretive, Sneaky Hunter, Survival Moose Butterfly Headstrong, Unstoppable, Longevity Metamorphosis, Carefree, Wolf Wolf Print Loyalty, Success, Perseverance Freedom, Success, Guidance Goose Squirrel Faithful, Communicative, Traveler Trusting, Playful, Sensitive Owl Deer Wisdom, Truth, Patience Love, Gentleness, Kindness Salmon Raven Instinct, Persistence, Determination Trickster, Teacher, Hoarder Fox Eagle Cunning, Provider, Intelligence Divine Spirit, Connection to Creator Loon Cougar Solitude, Song, Romance Leadership, Courage Bat Otter Guardian of the Night, Cleaner Laughter, Curiosity, Mischievous Coyote Hawk Prankster, Insight, Playful Messenger of the Sky, Observer Turkey Raccoon Smart, Elusive, Festive Bandit, Shy, Resourceful |